Division of Biology and Medicine
The Brown RNA Center

About Us

RNA is central to every aspect of cellular and organismal biology and as such represents a centralizing principle throughout the life sciences.


Our mission is to advance RNA science through fundamental discovery, technology development, and translational impact that accelerates life-changing health solutions. The BRC brings together existing expertise and will attract top RNA researchers worldwide. This will enhance both the scientific an educational enterprise of the university and help reach beyond our boundaries to engage various branches of industry and federal agencies.

RNA Center Goals

  1. To connect basic RNA knowledge already existing at Brown with those developing new technologies (RNA technologists); a collective that could help answer open questions in the RNA field, thus helping define and approach RNA transactions at a system’s level.
  1. To connect clinicians with an interest in RNA and RNA-related diseases with both the BRC basic scientists and RNA technologists to catalyze collaborations with the goal of revealing new aspects of RNA in health and disease.
  1. To expand collaborations with Brown community members who do not directly work on RNA but may provide new insights into new ways to approach RNA problems.
  1. To use RNA research as a platform to increase access, equity, and inclusion in STEMM by establishing strong, diverse mentorship programs through the BRC that will enhance the recruitment and retention of underrepresented groups in research-related careers.